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Next Hamfest

Hamfest I may attend.

07/20 - Auburn Hamfest
07/21 - Van Wert Hamfest
07/27 - East Central Indiana HAMFEST
10/19 - Shelbyville Tailgate


SWL Stuff


blah blah blah

Hello again.

I have closed all the websites outside of this site and the repeater website. What will be here in this website is just what ever I feel like putting here.

Monero/XMR donations


Bitcoin Donations


	  echo 'hi people';
	  function poop(){
		  if $poop = true; {
			  echo 'poop';
		  } else {
			  echo 'not poop';

Changes to the site

The Manuals downloads database will change likely tomorrow, after the change you will need to be a registered member and be logged in to be able to download manuals. All the old (current) URLS will be 301 redirected to the new pages.

With the...

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By: w2nap     Posted On Jul 06, 2024, 03:49 PM

July Hamfests.

3 Hamfests coming up in July are Auburn Hamfest on 7/20, Van Wert Hamfest on 7/21, and the East Central Indiana Hamfest on 7/27. Below is the hamfest information.

 07/20/2024 - Auburn Hamfest
Location: Auburn, IN
Address: Auburn Cord Due...

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By: w2nap     Posted On Jun 06, 2024, 10:34 AM

Playing with Hyprland

Wayland has been on Linux for awhile now, however I have always had issues with it on my system. KDE 6 had just released awhile back so I did play with it and KDE6 is nice but could NEVER use it on wayland but would work fine on x11 on wayland I...

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By: w2nap     Posted On Jun 04, 2024, 01:21 PM

Changes everywhere.

As you can see things have changed again. I have closed down the other sites outside of the repeater website. The costs to run the other sites was getting to be a bit too much to handle with zero $$ support.

Currently all the manuals are stil...

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By: w2nap     Posted On May 25, 2024, 10:58 PM

New Ten-Tec Radio this fall?

According to the ten-tec owner W8WFF Ten-Tec will release the Omni 8 sometime in fall 2024. You can watch the video where the owner says this below.

Kenwood is likely coming out with a new tri-band mobile ...

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By: w2nap     Posted On May 25, 2024, 05:26 PM


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